Root (4oz tisane)
Who: those looking to cleanse the blood, connect deeper with your root chakra
What: Burdock root, red clover, hibiscus, cardamom, ginger root, cinnamon tisane blend
Taste: floral, fiery spice, bold
May help with:
Burdock root: blood purifier; anticancer; lymphatic; stimulates bile function and strengthens liver; helps with indigestion and clearing acne and skin irritations
Red clover: blood purifier; contains phytoestrogens that block estrogen receptor sites to inhibit estrogen-dependent cancers
Hibiscus: boost immune system; help to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals
Cardamom: digestive aid; relieves flatulence; great for respiratory and kidney ailments
Cinnamon: controlling emotions; reducing high blood pressure; reducing pain
Ginger root: anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial; increase blood circulation; enhance immune system; relieves nausea/vomiting and motion sickness
How to prepare:
1. In a pot or teapot, pour desired amount of water.
2. Turn on medium heat and to allow water to warm up. Once water in pot is heated, turn off heat
3. Gather and measure herbs. Place herbs in a steeper or tea bag (1 tablespoon per 2 cups of water). If you do not have a steeper or tea bag, place herbs in pot with hot water. Do not place herb in water if water still boiling. Steep herbs for a minimum of 30 minutes or longer, if desired and able.
4. Remove steeper or tea bag from pot. If herbs were placed directly into water, pour tea into a strainer over an empty jar to separate herbs from tea. Pour tea into cup & enjoy!
Blend makes an estimated 18-25 cups, depending on consumer. Consume up to three times a day. Store in a cool, dry place out of sunlight.
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
NOTE: We highly recommend that before using any herbal medications you should consult your health care provider or medical doctor for professional advice. Pregnant or nursing mothers, individuals under 18 and individuals with known medical conditions should consult a physician before use.